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Wholesale dashboards

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Created: 23 Dec 2014
4 reports
1k over 3 months

Long term trends in wholesale price, generation, and demand. The effect of 'dry years' and changes to the generation mix is evident.

Created: 23 Dec 2014
6 reports
639 over 3 months

Reserve and energy offer stacks along with the cleared quantities are shown for the North and South Island for each day.

Created: 18 Jan 2017
7 reports
565 over 3 months

The stress testing dashboard brings together all of the stress testing reports and allows all of them to be displayed for a selected simulated stress scenario.

Trending wholesale reports
Wholesale price trends

Category  - Wholesale 6.7k this week

Generation trends

Category  - Wholesale 756 this week

Demand trends

Category  - Wholesale 609 this week

Cleared energy and offer stacks

Category  - Wholesale 606 this week

Wholesale price map

Category  - Wholesale 594 this week

Trending wholesale reports
Wholesale price trends

Category  - Wholesale 6.7k this week

Generation trends

Category  - Wholesale 756 this week

Demand trends

Category  - Wholesale 609 this week

Cleared energy and offer stacks

Category  - Wholesale 606 this week

Wholesale price map

Category  - Wholesale 594 this week

Latest wholesale discussions
Hydro storage information

Category  - Wholesale 30 days ago

Bids/Offers and Final Energy Prices

Category  - Wholesale 53 days ago

vSPD-online failing to create jobs

Category  - Wholesale 56 days ago

Pricing 20240417 and 29 gdx file not available

Category  - Wholesale 4 months ago

Latest wholesale discussions
Hydro storage information

Category  - Wholesale 30 days ago

Bids/Offers and Final Energy Prices

Category  - Wholesale 53 days ago

vSPD-online failing to create jobs

Category  - Wholesale 56 days ago

Pricing 20240417 and 29 gdx file not available

Category  - Wholesale 4 months ago